Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Does your name stand for FREEDOM?

International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. Their vision is "To rescue thousands, protect millions and prove that justice for the poor is possible." and have been doing this since 1997. One of their current initiatives is to get 27,000 (Each person stands for 1,000 of the 27 Mil. slaves) signatures on this letter to the president:

Dear President Obama:

Next year, our country will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Although slavery is illegal almost everywhere in the world today, it endures at home and abroad. We respectfully call upon you to make the United States a leader in the fight to end slavery - again.

Americans want to end slavery once and for all. The U.S. government can play a powerful role in fighting this crime by supporting robust law enforcement and victim relief at home and abroad.

This year, we urge you to make our country a leader in the fight to end modern-day slavery by:

1. Taking a stand: In your 2012 Address to the U.N. General Assembly, charge the nations gathered to abolish modern-day slavery.

2. Getting slavery out of U.S. supply chains: When you authorize trade preference programs and free trade agreements, require that our partners take steps to ensure their supply chains are slavery-free, and insist that all U.S. government contracts include supply chain transparency requirements, so that we can ensure our tax dollars are never spent on slave-made goods.

3. Providing diplomatic support: Call on U.S. diplomats to work with foreign governments on high-level strategies to rescue victims of slavery and trafficking, apprehend perpetrators and eradicate the crime.

4. Funding the fight: Develop a Presidential Fund to Eradicate Slavery through the State Department Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons that will provide resources to help 15 "Focus Countries" end trafficking, and develop a Global Fund to Eradicate Slavery with other donor countries and private sources this year to announce at the 2013 meeting of the G-8.

It is time to take a stand so we can bring an end to slavery in our lifetime.




We agree with IJM that, "It’s time to take a stand, and say to traffickers and slave-owners around the world:This ends with us."

To sign the petition and stand to end slavery go to :

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