Tuesday, March 20, 2012

aWHEREness now

Patricia Chabvepi-Tudosa and Annie Ling are both Human Rights Activists with passion for justice. They see Romania and Moldova as beautiful countries with an ugly problem. Any idea what that may be? You're right! Thousands upon thousands of humans are trafficked across the boarders of these countries for sex and forced labor.

These two are determined to change those numbers.

"We are a team of two young, driven women. Using documentary, artistic, and human rights activism tools, we have a vision of collaborating with trafficked persons to expose places that enable trafficking. We wish to bring awareness to this growing problem in Eastern Europe in an intelligent, sensitive way."

Trafficking has been a huge problem in Romania and Moldova and is only picking up pace. On the 17th of March these two visionary women stepped foot on Romanian soil and are looking forward to spear heading initiatives on the ground. If you would like to keep up with their adventures you can follow their blog at: http://awherenessnow.weebly.com/blogupdates.html

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